I’ve been seeing more luxury brands offering outdoor gear recently, and I’m kind of torn on it. It’s interesting to see how they combine fashion with the outdoors, but I’m not sure how practical it is for real outdoor use. Has anyone tried this gear? I’m curious if it performs as well as more traditional outdoor brands or if it’s mostly about the label. What do you think?
I think you are mostly paying for the label or the licensing fee. That’s not a high priority for most outdoor people.
Jessie said:
I think you are mostly paying for the label or the licensing fee. That’s not a high priority for most outdoor people.
yes exactly, if they offer more with respect to quality and durability then thats a different thing.
Jessie said:
I think you are mostly paying for the label or the licensing fee. That’s not a high priority for most outdoor people.
Exactly my point. It makes no sense to me.
Jessie said:
I think you are mostly paying for the label or the licensing fee. That’s not a high priority for most outdoor people.
Exactly my point. It makes no sense to me.
Well it doesn’t interest me either because I don’t wear luxury brands but people can enjoy hiking and also like nice clothes. Just like anything else I’m not interested in I move along and forget about it, it’s not hurting me.
Yeah, I’m with you. It’s completely fine for people to want it.
Nope. Hard pass. TNF is a good example of what happens when a brand prioritizes style. Most of their stuff now is ill-suited to real outdoor adventures.
Cass said:
Nope. Hard pass. TNF is a good example of what happens when a brand prioritizes style. Most of their stuff now is ill-suited to real outdoor adventures.
Their high-end stuff like the Summit Series and Gore-Tex is usually still quite good. However, the fit and features are not as technical as other brands. I have a Gore-Tex 3in1 with down and the build quality is nice and it keeps me very warm but I only use it for casual use. I would not use it for anything other than that. Before I buy technical pieces from TNF, I usually look at other brands first like RAB, Mammut, Ortovox, Arcteryx, MH, Haglöfs, La sportiva.
Cass said:
Nope. Hard pass. TNF is a good example of what happens when a brand prioritizes style. Most of their stuff now is ill-suited to real outdoor adventures.
Oh, I did not have much idea about TNF.
Cass said:
Nope. Hard pass. TNF is a good example of what happens when a brand prioritizes style. Most of their stuff now is ill-suited to real outdoor adventures.
That’s everything under VF outdoor. It’s a lifestyle business. You are not in their cohort.
Oh nice, mind sharing more please?
Almost everything. I’d disagree about Smartwool and Icebreaker, though Smartwool is going more in the lifestyle direction and Icebreaker is retaining the more technical side in the last couple of years. VF also has Altra though people have been complaining about durability since they took over.
I’ll pass. I only need things that are functional. I don’t care who makes it and I’m not out on the trails looking to get noticed for my impeccable fashion sense.
Bao said:
I’ll pass. I only need things that are functional. I don’t care who makes it and I’m not out on the trails looking to get noticed for my impeccable fashion sense.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. I’d rather go for functionality.
Bao said:
I’ll pass. I only need things that are functional. I don’t care who makes it and I’m not out on the trails looking to get noticed for my impeccable fashion sense.
What if someone is a regular and professional? Wouldn’t they opt for luxury brands if it offers more in terms of functionality?
I’m speaking for me. Other people can speak for themselves.
No way. Quality outdoor kit is already expensive without having GUCCI slapped on the side of it. At least if I purchase an MSR or Hilleberg tent I know it’s expensive because of the quality of the product and not the name
It just seems like a waste of money, not gonna lie.
Absolutely, I’m with you.