Sore Toes from Hiking Boots - Help

Any tips for fixing these annoying blisters I’m getting on the side of my toes from my new hiking boots? It’s killing me on long hikes man…


Are your boots too tight or just stiff? I had to switch to thicker socks when I broke in my boots. Double-layer socks did the trick for me, no more toe blisters.

Maybe try a blister pad or tape before your hike. I used KT tape last time and it really helped. Plus, it saved me when I got halfway up the trail and started feeling the rub.

Heel-lock lacing has been a lifesaver for me. I had the same issue until I switched up my lacing technique. It secures your foot better, so less movement, fewer blisters.

I haven’t tried the heel-lock lacing. Will definitely give that a go. Do you think it’ll help even though it’s more the side of my toes?

Yeah, it should. It keeps your foot from sliding forward as much, which might be causing your toes to rub against the sides. It worked for me at least.

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Lol, sounds like the typical ‘new boots blues.’ I’ve been there. I just grin and bear it while they break in. But if you’re dying, you could soften them up with some boot conditioner? Helps loosen things up a bit.

Are they leather boots? Leather stretches over time, so you could just keep walking them in… or cheat and use a boot stretcher. I’ve used one, and it saved me from toe blisters, plus I could stop cursing my boots every 10 minutes

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Yeah, they’re leather. I was hoping they’d break in by now, but no luck. A boot stretcher sounds interesting though. How long did it take to work for you?

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Pretty quick actually. Left it in overnight, and it helped a lot with the pressure. Not perfect, but way better than suffering every hike, haha

Ever try trail running shoes instead of boots? Less heavy and less stiff. I ditched my boots a few months ago and haven’t had a single blister since.