Besides AllTrails and GPS devices, what other apps or tools do people rely on for maps and trails?
Many state parks around me offer free maps that work with the Avenza app. I find it useful since it has a base map to see your location and what’s nearby. You can load a map and it will show where you are on it.
It lacks the social features of AllTrails, so if trails change, the maps might be outdated. Personally, I don’t find AllTrails very user-friendly.
That’s exactly why I’m looking for alternatives. I hear mixed reviews about AllTrails, mostly negative. I want something reliable while I save for a Garmin.
Caltopo is a good option.
I sometimes reference Tom Harrison maps, which are specific to California.
Zev said:
Caltopo is a good option.
I sometimes reference Tom Harrison maps, which are specific to California.
So Caltopo is only for California, or is Tom Harrison just for California?
Tom Harrison maps focus on California. Caltopo has a broader coverage despite its name.
Zev said:
Tom Harrison maps focus on California. Caltopo has a broader coverage despite its name.
Yeah, the ‘Cal’ part confused me.
For local parks, I use AllTrails if needed. CalTopo is also reliable.
When I camp or explore, I have a Cammenga 3H 1:50,000 map from MyTopo (36" x 48" landscape, folded). I prefer larger maps. Apps like AllTrails or Gaia GPS sometimes don’t work well in certain areas, so I rely on traditional maps and compass for backup. Garmin has quality gear, though it can be pricey. I believe everyone should learn map and compass skills in case GPS fails. It’s a valuable skill that can help you navigate effectively.
I’m planning to take an orienteering class at REI when I can. I want to get better at reading maps.
Fox said:
I’m planning to take an orienteering class at REI when I can. I want to get better at reading maps.
Learning this skill is rewarding once it clicks. I really enjoyed it.
I love that! Now I understand where the phrase ‘let me get my bearings’ comes from. It makes so much sense now, haha.
Fox said:
I love that! Now I understand where the phrase ‘let me get my bearings’ comes from. It makes so much sense now, haha.
Wishing you the best in your adventures and learning orienteering. Happy trails!
Thank you!
I recommend Hiking Project or OnX Backcountry.
Marley said:
I recommend Hiking Project or OnX Backcountry.
Sounds great! I’ll check those out.
Marley said:
I recommend Hiking Project or OnX Backcountry.
What makes you suggest those apps?
Marley said:
I recommend Hiking Project or OnX Backcountry.
What makes you suggest those apps?
I find them more accurate than AllTrails, and their map interface is more appealing.
Honestly, I’ve been using Strava. Once you start a hiking activity with a defined trail, it shows your route.
Sam said:
Honestly, I’ve been using Strava. Once you start a hiking activity with a defined trail, it shows your route.
That’s cool!