Trying to get out on some winter trails, and remembered I had this stowed away since pre pandemic. Would it be safe to use after cleaning? I’ve always cleaned it pre and post use, but the hose has a bit of a yellow tint to it now after years of no use, and I’m curious if cleaning will cause more harm than good at this point.
I’m low of funds so I can’t go buy a new one, but really would like to utilize it. If it’s a lost cause, give it to me straight! No hurt feelings. Just curious if others have had this experience. Thanks!
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Fill the bag with water, add a tablet, and draw it into the tube using gravity. Remember not to drink any of it. Rinse well afterwards.
Sam said:
An old trick is to use a zigzag-shaped metal coat hanger to keep it open for drying. It’s getting hard to find metal coat hangers these days, though.
Sam said:
An old trick is to use a zigzag-shaped metal coat hanger to keep it open for drying. It’s getting hard to find metal coat hangers these days, though.
Try asking a local dry cleaner for a metal hanger, they usually give them out if you ask nicely.
Darby said: @Hale
Always rinse well after using any cleaning agent. Happy trails!
Bleach is more effective at killing bacteria and safe if rinsed properly. Dilute bleach for cleaning and rinse before use. A few drops per liter can make water safe to drink if concerned about viruses.