How much stakes is to much


I bring 4 Groundhogs, 4 Carbon core stakes, and 4 fishbone anchors on every trip. They fit in a small stake bag. Versatile enough for where I go and doesn’t really add much weight/space. I have blizzard/snow stakes I bring for winter/beach camping to do deadman anchors, but I only bring those when I anticipate needing them.

Great all around choices

Off topic but the best part of this post is that I’m also in r/steak, and it immediately followed a post from that sub.

I like having multiple options depending on the terrain where I’m going to camp…

Keller said:
I like having multiple options depending on the terrain where I’m going to camp…

Where are the snow stakes?

Jori said:

Keller said:
I like having multiple options depending on the terrain where I’m going to camp…

Where are the snow stakes?

In my winter camping boxes =)

Good spot for them. What kind of snow stakes to do you use?

Jori said:
Good spot for them. What kind of snow stakes to do you use?

I have the one from Hileberg------ also Msr:\_\_10940327 but for the most on my winter trip I use nylon bags filled with snow as “deadman anchors,” then I pack snow over them to solidify everything.

Cool. I didn’t know about those ones from Hilberg. I use the MSR ones and skiis. Sometimes I use cord wrapped buried ice chunks. I’ve been meaning to try grocery bags and you’ve got me thinking that maybe stuff sacks would work too. I was talking to someone the other day that uses golf wiffle balls - not sure how that would work

I wouldn’t take anything smaller than a bag measuring 30 cm by 30 cm. In my opinion, golf wiffle balls seem too small for this task. Perhaps you could use 4 or 5 for each corner of your tent.

You don’t have any of the MYOG carbon stakes??

You have a problem and I like it a lot :slight_smile: Just the colors are pretty. What are the black round ones on the right, with the striped pattern?

Lyle said:
You have a problem and I like it a lot :slight_smile: Just the colors are pretty. What are the black round ones on the right, with the striped pattern?

I don’t remember the brand anymore, sorry! I’ve had them for over 15 years, and I can’t recall where they came from.

i’ve found them!

Keller said:
i’ve found them!

That is so awesome, I didn’t know this existed… putting this on my list. Love it, thanks a lot.

where are your snow stakes? titanium shepherd hook stakes? your large plastic sand stakes??? are you trying to be unprepared for the wilderness??? please go buy more stakes, and do not spread unsafe understaking propaganda.

No 1 gram carbon nail? Come on…… or titanium hooks?

I’ve never needed anything else than titanium Y-Profile stakes. Best material, best form factor.

This seems like too many in generally the same category. Are the ones all the way on the right flat? How has that worked for you?

I think it makes sense to have your normal stakes and maybe augment that with some extra-longs, some extra-lights, and maybe some snow/sand stakes.