Did I hem these too short or do they look alright?

I’ve recently hemmed my pants and want to make sure they won’t shrink since they’ve been washed and machine dried already. They are currently sitting as low on my hips as possible.

Looks perfect in my opinion

As long as they are comfortable on your hips and don’t ride up when you walk, they look perfect to me

Carson said:
As long as they are comfortable on your hips and don’t ride up when you walk, they look perfect to me

They stay put, thankfully. I’ve got a bit of a belly that helps keep them from sliding up. Hoping to work that off over time though!

They look good, mate

They fit just how I’d want them to. You’re not going to trip on them, and they suit the look you’re going for perfectly. Functionally, they’re spot on. I like where they land based on your photos

These are hemmed perfectly. They’ve got a single break, which will look great even if you wear them out in town. They also look like they’d clear most mud and puddles you might encounter while hiking. I prefer hiking pants to be on the shorter side to avoid dragging, getting waterlogged, or tripping over them. Great job on these!

How do they feel when you sit down?

Wil said:
How do they feel when you sit down?

They feel good, no discomfort thanks to their stretchiness. They’re Eddie Bauer fleece lined guide pro pants, so they stretch well. They do rise a bit above my ankles when I sit, but I’ll be wearing boots that cover my socks so I won’t get cold ankles.

Sounds like you’re all set then!

They look fine to me

Honestly, no one is likely to notice much. They’re fine.

They’re fine. If the slight shortness bothers you, consider wearing gaiters for hiking!

Can you show how they look when you’re sitting or lying down?

The older crowd here likes the length, but younger folks might suggest going shorter to show off socks or ankles more. I think they’re perfect as is.

Perfectly hemmed pants should not touch the floor when barefoot. Yours seem to fit well with any footwear.

They look just right!

They seem a bit short. Ideally, pants should rest comfortably on the hips and have some looseness at the ankles to allow for movement.